Hollywood power couple Barry Jenkins and Lulu Wang, dubbed “the first couple of film,” are officially bicoastal. The talented director duo paid $2.35 million for a Gre...
Inside White Lotus Star Michael Imperioli’s Little Slice of History in New York City. The home of The Sopranos actor and his interior designer wife, Victoria, wouldn’t...
Television producer Michael Davies, whose scores of credits include “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” and the U.S. version of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” has lis...
I found some old pics at my mom's house! So it's THROWBACK THANKSGIVING time! A peek into my past and some things I learned along the way...
As winter turned to spring, a change was in the air...
Average Discount from Original Ask: August 2022: 3% August 2023: 7%
Watching for NYC’s spring market to begin or waiting on a total eclipse? The feeling is ‘bout the same...
NYC high on Forbes' Safest Cities List, two $75,000,000 sales in one building, snow drought ends, and mortgage rates expected to fall!
Thought we'd make an advent calendar with just some of the fun from the year!
Shops and Department stores are not the only ones slashing prices...
Sellers are still clinging to unrealistic pricing while buyers are still hunting for big discounts.
Here's how we make it EASY for our Pied a Terre Sellers!
220 W 19th St, 5th Floor New York, NY 10011
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