We are committed to upholding the principles of all applicable fair housing laws and Corcoran standardized operating procedures

"Like a Lion Tamer"


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“The true New Yorker secretly believes that people living anywhere else have to be, in some sense, kidding.” – John Updike

Currently ranked among the nation's top 1.5% of Real Estate Agents by WSJ RealTrends, Tamer’s passion for real estate was first inspired by her mom Deedee Howard, a partner at The Agency in Beverly Hills and one of Wall Street Journal’s Top 200 Real Estate Professionals. Tamer comes from an accomplished Manhattan family beginning with her grandfather, Frederic Drake, who was publisher of Harper’s Bazaar and VP of Hearst. 


In The News


Buying in New York City is unlike anywhere else in the world. I love educating my buyers on the different processes of buying here, all the wonderful neighborhoods and what they have to offer, and advising on what makes one property a better investment than another. From there it’s all about finding “the one” you can call Home!


Your home never gets a second chance to make a first impression. Preparation and presentation, are what create that wow factor when buyers walk in. A broker who knows how to best present your home and make their stay enjoyable is what makes them never want to leave. This combination is the key to generating great offers!